Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Visual Feedback

Today I did up a few elements for visual feedback and the HUD. This should be implemented for the next milestone of Zombies. With the visual feedback implemented it will make the game a lot more user friendly and enjoyable. Here are a few of the feedback images I did up.

HUD Layout with space for the radar:

Button Templates (There will be images of each objects instead of letters):

Soldier Selected Icon (will be at the base of the selected soldiers):

Move Here (When the user selects a location for the soldiers to move towards this icon will be placed):

Death (When the zombies or Soldiers die this will be placed):

At the moment I am happy with all the icons and HUD, except for the death icon. I think the death feedback should actually be a 3d object in the game to give it depth and then it could sink into the ground over time. We will just use this death image as a placeholder for now.

So that is what I have done for visual feedback for now. Please feel free to add any feedback or comments. Thanks for reading.

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